Bagging and Random Forests



  • 3/30: Lab 04 due midnight tonight! Unfortunately, Doug cannot have office hours tonight.

  • 3/31: midterm released after class! PDF (or html) to submitted to Canvas and code pushed to GitHub by Sunday 11:59pm

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Tree-based methods: Part 2

  • Recall the disadvantages of decision trees

    • Lower levels of predictive accuracy compared to some other approaches

    • Can be non-robust (small changes in training data can result in a drastically different tree)

  • We will now see that aggregating many trees can improve predictive performance!



  • The decision trees described previously suffer from high variance, whereas linear regression tends to have low variance (when \(n >> p\))

  • An ensemble method is a method that combines many simple “building block” models in order to obtain a single final model

  • Bootstrap aggregation or bagging is a general-purpose procedure for reducing the variance of a statistical-learning method

    • Given a set of \(n\) independent observations \(Z_{1}, \ldots, Z_{n}\), each with variance \(\sigma^2\), then \(\text{Var}(\bar{Z}) = \sigma^2/n\) (i.e. averaging a set of observations reduces variance)
  • However, we typically don’t have access to multiple training sets

Bagging (in general)

  • Instead, we can bootstrap by taking repeated samples from a single training set

  • Bagging:

    1. Generate \(B\) (e.g. \(B = 100\)) different bootstrapped training datasets
    2. Train our model on the \(b\)-th bootstrapped training set in order to get \(\hat{f}^{(b)}(x)\) for \(b = 1,\ldots, B\)
    3. Average all the predictions to obtain the final “bagged model”

    \[\hat{f}_{\text{bag}}(x) = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{b=1}^{B} \hat{f}^{(b)}(x)\]

Bagging for decision trees

  • To apply bagging to regression trees:

    • Construct \(B\) regression trees using \(B\) different bootstrapped training sets.

    • From each tree \(\hat{f}^{(b)}(x)\), we can obtain a prediction for a test observation \(x_{0}\): \(\hat{y}_{0}^{(b)}\)

      • For the same test point, will end up with \(B\) predictions: \(\hat{y}_{0}^{(1)}, \hat{y}_{0}^{(2)}, \ldots, \hat{y}_{0}^{(B)}\)
    • Average the predictions to produce a final single prediction: \(\hat{y}_{0} = \frac{1}{B} \sum_{b=1}^{B}\hat{y}_{0}^{(b)}\)

  • Details

    • Each of the \(B\) trees are grown deep, and are not pruned. Why?

    • The only parameter we set when bagging decision trees is the number of trees \(B\) to include


  • Suppose we want to fit a bagged regression tree model to predict abundance in the mite data

  • Fit data on 80% train, predict on 20% test

  • Discuss: how would you fit a bagged regression tree model to obtain predictions for the test set using functions/methods you already know?

Out-of-bag error estimation

  • Estimating test error of a bagged model is quite easy without performing CV

  • On average, each one of the \(B\) trees is fit using about 2/3 of the observations. Remaining 1/3 are called out-of-bag (OOB) observations

  • Can predict the response for \(i\)-th observation using each of the trees in which that observation was OOB

    • Yields about \(B/3\) observations for observation \(i\)
  • Discuss: Why is the resulting OOB error a valid estimate of the test error for the bagged model?

  • When \(B\) sufficiently large, OOB error is virtually equivalent to LOOCV

  • Discuss and implement: how would you fit a bagged regression tree model where you use OOB observations to estimate test error?

Live code!

Fitting bagged decision trees using the randomForest package

Mite data

I fit bagged regression trees for \(B = 2, 3, \ldots, 200\) bootstrapped sets using

  1. All the data, and obtained an estimate of test RMSE using the OOB samples

  2. A training set of 2/3 of the original observations, and obtained an estimate of the test RMSE using the held-out validation set

Variable importance measures

  • Bagging can result in difficulty in interpretation: it’s no longer clear which predictors are most important to the procedure

  • But one main attraction of decision trees is their interpretability!

  • Can obtain an overall summary of importance of each predictor using the residual error:

    • For bagged regression trees, record the total amount that MSE decreases due to splits over a given predictor, averaged over \(B\) (higher explanatory power \(\rightarrow\) larger decrease in MSE \(\rightarrow\) more important)

  • WatrCont is the most important variable. This should make sense!

  • Live code!

Random Forests

Random forests

  • Random forests provide improvement over bagged trees by providing a small tweak that decorrelates the trees

  • Like bagging, we build \(B\) decision trees using \(B\) different bootstrapped training samples

  • The only difference is in how each tree \(\hat{f}^{(b)}(x)\) is constructed

  • Prediction in random forests proceeds the same as in bagged trees


  • Each time a split is considered, a random sample of \(m\) predictors is chosen as split candidates from the full set of \(p\) predictors.

  • The node will split on one of these \(m\) predictors

    • At every split, we choose a new sample of \(m\) predictors

    • Typically choose \(m \approx p/3\)

Example construction

For the mite data, we have \(p = 5\) predictors:

[1] "SubsDens"  "WatrCont"  "Substrate" "Shrub"     "Topo"      "abundance"
  • Suppose we fit a random forest using \(B\) regression trees fit on \(B\) different bootstrapped sets.

  • For each regression tree, we first obtain a bootstrap sample of the original data

  • Then we build a regression tree where:

    • For node 1, we only consider a random sample of \(m \approx 5/3 \approx 2\) predictors:

      [1] "SubsDens" "Shrub"   
      • Thus, node 1 will either split on SubsDens or Shrub
    • For node 2, we consider a different random sample of \(m = 2\) predictors:

      [1] "SubsDens" "WatrCont"
    • Etc.

Random forests (cont.)

  • At each split, algorithm is not allowed to consider a majority of the available predictors

    • Intuition for why?
  • Bagged trees may be highly correlated, and averaging correlated quantities does not reduce variance as much as average uncorrelated

    • Small \(m\) is typically helpful when we have a large number of correlated predictors
  • Discuss: what is the resulting model when \(m = p\)?

  • Live code!

Mite data

  • For \(B = 2, 3, \ldots, 200\) tree, I fit a random forest with \(m = 2\) candidate predictors at each split using

    1. All the data, and obtained an estimate of test RMSE using the OOB samples

    2. A training set of 2/3 of the original observations (the same as in bagging), and obtained an estimate of the test RMSE using the held-out validation set

Variable importance

  • As with bagged regression trees, can obtain variable importance measure of each predictor in random forests using RSS:

  • WatrCont is still the most important variable

Random forests vs bagging: prediction

Comparing estimated test error when fitting bagged regression trees vs random forests to mite data:

Random forests vs bagging: inference

Comparing variable importance from the two models:

  • Notice the swap in order of Shrub and Substrate


  • Bagging and random forests are methods for improving predictive accuracy of regression trees

  • Considered “ensemble” methods

  • Random forests (and another method called boosting) are among state-of-the-art for supervised learning, but are less interpretable