


  • Lab 04: Forest Fires due to Canvas this Thursday 11:59pm

  • Lab 03 should be graded by end of today!

  • Take-home midterm assigned this Friday (will introduce it today)


  • Economically use a collected dataset by repeatedly drawing samples from the same training dataset and fitting a model of interest on each sample

    • Obtain additional information about the fitted model
  • Two methods: cross-validation and the bootstrap

  • These slides will focus on the bootstrap

The Bootstrap

The Bootstrap

  • The bootstrap is a flexible and powerful statistical tool that can be used to quantify the uncertainty associated with a given estimator or statistical learning method

  • Example: can be used to estimate the standard errors of the \(\beta\) coefficients in linear regression

  • One goal of statistics: learn about a population.

    • Usually, population is not available, so must make inference from sample data
  • Bootstrapping operates by resampling this sample data to create many simulated samples

The Bootstrap (cont.)

  • Bootstrapping resamples the original dataset with replacement

  • If the original dataset has \(n\) observations, then each bootstrap/resampled dataset also has \(n\) observations

    • Each observation has equal probability of being included in the resampled dataset
    • Can select an observation more than once for a resampled dataset

Example: M&Ms

  • Suppose I want to know the true proportion of plain M&M candies that are colored red

  • My sample is a bag of M&Ms that I purchased at a gas station, which contains 56 pieces with the following distribution:

 [1] orange orange yellow red    blue   red    red    green  green  blue  
[11] blue   blue   green  orange brown  orange green  red    orange brown 
[21] red    blue   green  blue   orange orange blue   orange brown  orange
[31] orange yellow orange blue   brown  green  brown  blue   green  orange
[41] brown  green  brown  yellow yellow brown  blue   orange green  green 
[51] orange brown  orange blue   blue   blue  
Levels: red orange yellow green blue brown
   red orange yellow  green   blue  brown 
     5     15      4     10     13      9 
  • Good first guess for the true proportion of red candies?

    • 5/56 = 0.089
  • How would we go about creating a range of plausible estimates? We could bootstrap!

Example: M&Ms (cont.)

  • To obtain a single bootstrap sample, we repeatedly pull out an M&M, note its color, and return it to the bag until we have pulled out a total of \(n = 56\) candies

  • We typically repeat this process many times, to simulate taking multiple observations from the population

Step-through code

  • Create my first bootstrap sample:
n <- length(obs)
samp1 <- sample(x = obs, size = n, replace = T)
 [1] blue   red    green  orange green  red    blue   yellow orange orange
[11] yellow red    blue   orange blue   orange orange orange orange red   
[21] green  yellow red    orange green  blue   green  green  green  orange
[31] orange orange orange green  brown  brown  green  brown  green  blue  
[41] brown  orange yellow orange orange yellow red    orange blue   green 
[51] green  green  green  orange blue   green 
Levels: red orange yellow green blue brown
   red orange yellow  green   blue  brown 
     6     18      5     15      8      4 
  • Obtain our first estimate for \(p_{red}\), the true proportion of red-colors M&Ms: \(\hat{p}^{(1)}_{red} = 0.107\)

Example (cont.)

  • Take second sample:
samp2 <- sample(x = obs, size = n, replace = T)
   red orange yellow  green   blue  brown 
     2     18      3      7     10     16 
  • \(\hat{p}^{(2)}_{red} = 0.036\)

  • Repeat this process thousands of times!

  • After 1000 bootstrap samples, we end up with 1000 estimates for \(p_{red}\)

  • Average over all estimates is \(\hat{p} _{red}= 0.091\)

  • Approximate 95% confidence interval for the proportion are the 5% and 95% quantiles of the 1000 mean estimates: (0.018, 0.179)

Comprehension checks

Suppose my original sample has the following \(n = 5\) observations: (1, 0, -2, 0.5, 4).

Which of the following are possible bootstrap samples we could obtain from the original sample?

  1. (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

  2. (1, -2, -2, 3, 4)

  3. (1, 0, -2, 0.5, 4)

  4. (4, -2, 0)

Bootstrap: pros and cons

  • Real world vs bootstrap world

  • Pros:

    • No assumptions about distribution of your data
    • Very general method that allows estimating sampling distribution of almost any statistic!
    • Cost-effective
  • Cons:

    • In more complex scenarios, figuring out appropriate way to bootstrap may require thought
    • Can fail in some situations
    • Relies quite heavily on the original sample