Regression Trees

Part 1: Introduction



  • Lab 03 due Thursday 11:59pm to Canvas

  • No class this Friday!

Tree-based methods

Tree-based methods

  • These methods use a series of if-then rules to divide/segment the predictor space into a number of simple regions

  • The splitting rules can be summarized in a tree, so these approaches are known as decision-tree methods

  • Can be simple and useful for interpretation

  • Decision trees can be applied to both regression and classification problems

  • Typically not competitive with the best supervised learning approaches in terms of prediction accuracy

Mite data

  • We will begin by showing the results of a regression tree, then we will discuss how to build one

Mite data: regression tree


  • Top split: observations with WatrCont < 323.54 are assigned to left branch

  • Observations with WatrCont \(\geq\) 323.54 are assigned to right branch, and are further subdivided by SubsDens and finer values of WatrCont

  • For a new observation, the predicted abundance of a location with WatrCont < 323.54 is 0.85

  • Remarks:

    • If condition evaluates to true, we “go left”
    • The splits are always in terms of \(<\) for consistency


  • Internal nodes: points along the tree where the predictor space is split

    • Six internal nodes on previous slide
  • First node is often referred to as root node

  • Terminal nodes or leaves: regions where there is no further splitting

    • Seven terminal nodes on previous slide

    • The value in each terminal node is the value we predict for an observation that follows the path in predictor space to that terminal node

    • Decision trees are typically drawn upside down (leaves at bottom)

  • Any subnode of a given node is called a child node, and the given node, in turn, is the child’s parent node.

Draw partitions

Interpretation of results

  • Extremely rough interpretation!!

  • WatrCont may be most important factor for determining the abundance of mites (among these two predictors)

  • Environments with low WatrCont tend to have very low abundances, as do environments with high SubsDens

  • Likely an oversimplification of the true relationships, but easy to display and interpret

Building the tree

Building and using regression tree

  1. Training/fitting model: Divide predictor space (the set of possible values for \(X_{1}, \ldots, X_{p}\)) into \(M\) distinct and non-overlapping regions, \(R_{1}, \ldots, R_{M}\)

  2. Prediction/using model: For every observation that lands in \(R_{m}\), we output the same predicted \(\hat{y}\): the mean of the training responses in \(R_{m}\): \[\hat{y}_{R_{m}} = \frac{1}{n_{m}} \sum_{i \in R_{m}} y_{i}\]

Fitting a regression tree

  • In theory, regions \(R_{1},\ldots, R_{M}\) could have any shape. For simplicity, we divde predictor space into high-dimensional rectangles or boxes

  • Goal: to train the model, we want to find boxes \(R_{1},\ldots, R_{M}\) that minimize the residual sum of squares (RSS), given by \[\sum_{m=1}^{M} \sum_{i\in R_{m}} (y_{i} - \hat{y}_{R_{m}})^2,\]

    where \(\hat{y}_{R_{m}}\) is the predicted/fitted value for \(y_{i} \in R_{m}\) in the training data

  • Unfortunately, it is computationally infeasible to consider every possible partition of the feature space into \(M\) boxes!

Fitting a regression tree (cont.)

  • We take a top-down, greedy approach known as recursive binary splitting

  • “Top-down”: we begin at the top of tree where all observations belong to a single region, and then successively partition

  • “Greedy”: at each step, the best split is made at that current snap-shot in time, rather than looking ahead and picking a split that would be better in some future step

  • Note: at every stage of the tree, all predictors are candidates for the decision split (e.g. in mite data, WatrCont was first split, but showed up later down the tree)

  • Continue making splits on the data as we go


  • At very beginning of model fit, all observations belong in a single region. We must decide the first split/cut-point

  • We select the predictor \(X_{j}\) and the cutpoint value \(c\) such that splitting the predictor space into the regions \(\{X | X_{j} < c\}\) and \(\{X | X_{j} \geq c\}\) leads to lowest RSS

    • i.e., for any predictor \(j\) and cutpoint \(c\), we define the pair

      \[S_l(j,c) = \{X | X_{j} < c\} \text{ and } S_{r}(j,c) = \{X | X_{j} \geq c\}\]

  • We seek the values of \((j, c)\) that minimize \[\sum_{i:x_{i}\in S_l(j,c)} (y_{i} - \hat{y}_{S_{l}})^2 + \sum_{i:x_{i}\in S_r(j,c)} (y_{i} - \hat{y}_{S_{r}})^2,\]

    where \(\hat{y}_{S_{l}}\) is the average of the training responses in \(S_l(j,s)\)

What are the cut-points?

Consider some hypothetical data, where I have a single predictor x and a response variable y:

   x y
1  0 1
2  3 2
3  4 3
4 10 4
  • Only makes sense to split the data based on the observed values of x

    • i.e. splitting on x < 15 is silly
  • Notice that choosing a cut-point of \(c = 1\) or \(c= 2\) leads to same partition of the data, and therefore same RSS

  • So we consider cutpoints as the mean between consecutive values of observed x:

    • Examine RSS for \(c = \{1.5, 3.5, 7\}\)

Return to mite data

  • At step one of the tree, all 70 observations are together. Deciding first split means considering all of the following:

  • Splitting on SubsDens (\(j = 1\)):

    • \(S_{l}(1,21.765) = \{\mathbf{X} | \text{SubsDens} < 21.765\}\) and \(S_{r}(1, 21.765) = \{\mathbf{X} | \text{SubsDens} \geq 21.765 \}\)
    • \(S_{l}(1, 22.63) = \{\mathbf{X} | \text{SubsDens} < 22.63\}\) and \(S_{r}(1, 22.63) = \{\mathbf{X} | \text{SubsDens} \geq 22.63\}\)
  • Splitting on WatrCont (\(j = 2\)):

    • \(S_{l}(2, 139.705) = \{\mathbf{X} | \text{WatrCont} < 139.705\}\) and \(S_{r}(2, 139.705) = \{\mathbf{X} | \text{SubsDens} \geq 139.705\}\)
    • \(S_{l}(2, 145.48) = \{\mathbf{X} | \text{WatrCont} < 145.48\}\) and \(S_{r}(2, 145.48) = \{\mathbf{X} | \text{SubsDens} \geq 145.48\}\)

Mini implementation

  • Let’s compute the RSS for a few of these candidate splits. Live code!

  • When splitting on SubsDens < 22.63, we get the following RSS:

[1] 11058.76
  • When splitting on WatrCont < 145.48, we get an RSS of:
[1] 10876.12

Mini implementation (cont.)

Doing this for all possible splits, we get the following SSRs:

  • The split that resulted in lowest RSS out of all these possible splits is splitting on WatrCont < 323.54, which is what we saw in the tree!

Details (cont.)

  • Then, repeat the process of looking for the best predictor and best cut-point in order to split the data further so as to minimize RSS within each of the resulting regions

  • Instead of splitting entire predictor space, we split one of the two previously identified regions

  • Now we have three regions

  • Again, split one of these further so as to minimize RSS. We continue this process until a stopping criterion is reached

Categorical predictors

  • We can also split on qualitative predictors!

  • If \(X_{j}\) is categorical variable with categories “1”, “2”, “3”, …, then candidate split regions would be:

    • \(S_{l}(j, ``1") = \{X | X_{j} = ``1"\} \qquad \text{ and } \qquad S_{r}(j, ``1") = \{X | X_{j} \neq ``1"\}\)

    • \(S_{l}(j, ``2") = \{X | X_{j} = ``2"\} \qquad \text{ and } \qquad S_{r}(j, ``2") = \{X | X_{j} \neq ``2"\}\)

  • Notice that if \(X_{j}\) has more than two levels, we would need to choose the level that yields the best split

Live code