PhD in Statistical Science from Duke University, BA in Mathematics and Computer Science from Swarthmore College
Research interests: Bayesian hierarchical models for ecological applications
Office: Warner 214
If my door is open, come on in! Also feel free to e-mail me.
Office hours: Tuesdays 3-4pm and by appointment via Calendly
Current hobbies: running, mushroom foraging
Aspirational hobbies/skills: fly fishing, driving stick shift
Introduce yourself using any or all of the following (the first is mandatory):
Course website: (please bookmark!)
Learn various models for regression and classification tasks (more on this next lecture)
I assume you have taken Math 118 prior to this course, and are comfortable with tidyverse
and RStudio. There is a large emphasis on computing.
We will learn how to code in base R
, and by the end of the course you should feel comfortable switching between base R
and tidyverse
We will focus more on applications and developing intuition. The goal is to begin developing a toolbox of methods that you may use in future analyses.
Friday, 3/31: take-home midterm
Monday, 4/3: oral midterm
Friday, 4/14: Spring symposium (no class)
Monday, 4/17: final day to drop classes :(
Friday, 5/13 and Monday, 5/15*: project presentations
Students who miss a class due to a scheduled varsity trip, religious holiday, or short-term illness should fill out the respective form.
If you have a personal or family emergency or chronic health condition that affects your ability to participate in class, please contact your academic dean’s office.
Exam dates cannot be changed and no make-up exams will be given.
Homework assignments:
Late work will not be accepted for the midterm or final project.
Regrade requests must be submitted within one week of when the assignment is returned
All work for this class should be done in accordance with the Middlebury Honor code. Any violations will automatically result in a grade of 0 on the assignment and will be reported.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, you may make use of online resources (e.g. StackOverflow) for coding examples on assignments. If you directly use code from an outside source (or use it as inspiration), you must or explicitly cite where you obtained the code. Any recycled code that is discovered and is not explicitly cited will be treated as plagiarism.
On individual assignments, you may discuss the assignment with one another; however, you may not directly share code or write up with other students. This includes copy-and-paste sharing, as well as showing your screen with the code displayed to another student.
On team assignments, you may not directly share code or write up with another team. Unauthorized sharing of the code or write up will be considered a violation for all students involved.
ChatGPT most likely will not be useful in this class. However, if you use it on an assignment, please let me know in what capacity you used it by including a comment in your assignment.
In this course, we will strive to create a learning environment that is welcoming to all students. If there is any aspect of the class that is not welcoming or accessible to you, please let me know immediately.
Additionally, if you are experiencing something outside of class that is affecting your performance in the course, please feel free to talk with me and/or your academic dean.
Go to, and create an account (unless you already have one). After you create your account, click here and enter your GitHub username.
Tips for creating a username from Happy Git with R.
.Let’s create the following plot together:
Enter your GitHub username into the Google form
Try the practice exercises involved with “Live code 01”