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Live code
Class Imbalance
The haberman
dataset contains cases from a study that was conducted between 1958 and 1970 at the University of Chicago’s Billings Hospital on the survival of patients who had undergone surgery for breast cancer.
Age Year Positive Class
1 38 59 2 negative
2 39 63 4 negative
3 49 62 1 negative
4 53 60 2 negative
5 47 68 4 negative
- Variables:
: age of patient at time of operationYear
: patient’s year of operationPositive
: number of positive axillary nodes detectedClass
: Two possible survival status: “positive” (survival rate of less than 5 years), “negative” (survival rate or more than 5 years)
- We may be interested in predicting the probability of survival
Imbalanced data
Class n prop
1 negative 225 0.7352941
2 positive 81 0.2647059
What do you notice?
- “Class imbalance”: one (or more, if \(J \geq 2\)) of the possible labels is several underrepresented in the data
Discuss: I claim that class imbalance is an issue for predictive models! Why do you think that is?
Logistic regression
haberman <- haberman %>%
mutate(Class = ifelse(Class == "positive", 1, 0))
n <- nrow(haberman)
train_ids <- sample(1:n, 0.8*n)
train_dat <- haberman[train_ids,]
test_dat <- haberman[-train_ids,]
log_mod <- glm(Class ~ Positive, data = train_dat, family = "binomial")
pred_probs <- predict(log_mod, newdata = test_dat, type = "response")
pred_class <- as.numeric(pred_probs >= 0.5)
table(preds = pred_class, true = test_dat$Class)
preds 0 1
0 44 12
1 3 3
Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
Setting direction: controls < cases
roc.default(response = test_dat$Class, predictor = pred_class)
Data: pred_class in 47 controls (test_dat$Class 0) < 15 cases (test_dat$Class 1).
Area under the curve: 0.5681
# Randomly duplicating examples from the minority class and adding them to the training dataset.
train_minority <- which(train_dat$Class == 1)
train_majority <- which(train_dat$Class == 0)
n_min <- length(train_minority)
n_maj <- length(train_majority)
over_ids <- sample(train_minority, size = 40, replace = T)
train_dat_oversample <- rbind(train_dat, train_dat[over_ids,])
mod_oversample <- glm(Class ~ Positive, data = train_dat_oversample, family = "binomial")
pred_probs <- predict(mod_oversample, newdata = test_dat, type = "response")
pred_class <- as.numeric(pred_probs >= 0.5)
table(preds = pred_class, true = test_dat$Class)
preds 0 1
0 41 10
1 6 5
# the random oversampling may increase the likelihood of overfitting occurring, since it makes exact copies of the minority class examples
roc(test_dat$Class, pred_class)
Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
Setting direction: controls < cases
roc.default(response = test_dat$Class, predictor = pred_class)
Data: pred_class in 47 controls (test_dat$Class 0) < 15 cases (test_dat$Class 1).
Area under the curve: 0.6028
# Randomly remove examples from the majority class in the training dataset.
remove_ids <- sample(train_majority, n_maj - n_min, replace = F)
mod_undersample <- glm(Class ~ Positive, data = train_dat[-remove_ids,], family = "binomial")
pred_probs <- predict(mod_undersample, newdata = test_dat, type = "response")
pred_class <-as.numeric(pred_probs >= 0.5)
table(preds = pred_class, true = test_dat$Class)
preds 0 1
0 34 8
1 13 7
# the random oversampling may increase the likelihood of overfitting occurring, since it makes exact copies of the minority class examples
roc(test_dat$Class, pred_class)
Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
Setting direction: controls < cases
roc.default(response = test_dat$Class, predictor = pred_class)
Data: pred_class in 47 controls (test_dat$Class 0) < 15 cases (test_dat$Class 1).
Area under the curve: 0.595