Live code:
Live code
Bagging implementations
Test/train set approach for test error
The two following options differ only in how I keep track of my predictions. I will set some seeds to see if we indeed get the same predictions:
Option 1:
Here, I create a vector pred_sums
that is in essence, a vector of cumulative sums of predictions.
pred_sums <- rep(0, n_test)
for (b in 1:B){
# obtain bootstrap sample
boot_ids <- sample(1:n_train, n_train, replace = TRUE)
boot_samp <- train_dat[boot_ids,]
# fit tree to bootstrap sample
boot_tree <- tree(abundance ~ . , data = boot_samp)
# obtain predictions for test set
predictions <- predict(boot_tree, newdata = test_dat)
# store predictions for test set
pred_sums <- pred_sums + predictions
2 3 7 15 16 19 22
11.3331103 16.5589754 14.4339754 3.2265457 0.7085599 11.6994505 0.7085599
25 35 36 47 58 59 70
3.2353446 9.8865567 12.4727839 9.8865567 11.6536153 8.7849145 12.8079772
Option 2:
Here, I create a B x n_test
matrix that will hold each prediction:
pred_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = B, ncol = n_test)
for (b in 1:B){
# obtain bootstrap sample
boot_ids <- sample(1:n_train, n_train, replace = TRUE)
boot_samp <- train_dat[boot_ids,]
# fit tree to bootstrap sample
boot_tree <- tree(abundance ~ . , data = boot_samp)
# obtain predictions for test set
predictions <- predict(boot_tree, newdata = test_dat)
# store predictions for test set
pred_mat[b,] <- predictions
apply(pred_mat, 2, mean)
[1] 11.3331103 16.5589754 14.4339754 3.2265457 0.7085599 11.6994505
[7] 0.7085599 3.2353446 9.8865567 12.4727839 9.8865567 11.6536153
[13] 8.7849145 12.8079772
OOB approach to for test error
B <- 10
pred_sum <- rep(0, n)
n_oob <- rep(0,n)
for (b in 1:B){
boot_ids <- sample(1:n, n, replace = T)
oob_ids <- (1:n)[-unique(boot_ids)]
tree <- tree(abundance ~ ., data = mite_dat[boot_ids,])
pred_sum[oob_ids] <- pred_sum[oob_ids] + predict(tree, newdata = mite_dat[oob_ids,])
n_oob[oob_ids] <- n_oob[oob_ids] + 1
[1] 7.183861 3.448718 16.514286 10.061905 2.909420 3.336120
[7] 27.066026 6.227226 7.176942 4.099206 14.439985 20.536264
[13] 4.401139 14.272283 29.132601 10.387198 5.800528 6.690494
[19] 92.931735 4.783861 3.901139 4.150000 15.628571 6.005617
[25] 3.313043 29.230159 5.773318 19.901810 7.956410 89.646886
[31] 29.593407 14.483333 58.656410 16.960317 54.034091 54.856410
[37] 79.111722 57.837662 1.888889 50.145299 45.600000 46.754579
[43] 26.825397 26.909091 79.837662 120.722436 26.599076 41.107692
[49] 151.181818 83.603996 57.186039 55.200000 170.867244 71.357143
[55] 65.155556 66.600000 26.361905 47.000000 28.799603 48.935165
[61] 85.018182 66.714286 132.310490 67.510490 15.285714 50.018182
[67] 24.301587 97.774451 45.155311 20.731502
[1] 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 4 6 5 6 5 4 4 3 4 5 2 5 5 3 3 5 2 4 4 3 2 4 5 5
[39] 1 3 2 3 4 2 6 6 6 2 4 4 4 4 6 5 3 3 6 3 5 3 4 3 7 4 1 3 6 5 5 3
[1] 11.03221